Mutants Genetic Gladiators Wiki

Shin Hakuho is PvP exclusive Saber-Saber mutant. This mutant was released first as a prize in PvP Season 58.


Shin Hakuho appears to be an obese woman wearing a traditional sumo outfit with the top to cover her chest. She's wearing some soft of Japanese mask, her hair styled in chonmage style with a bone sticking out of her hair. On both her arms, there are giant cuffs with two pairs on each of her arm.

In later versions, her clothes and cuffs are either changed in design or recolored with her mask replaced with another mask and the bone placement replaced with other objects.


  • Attack: Cataclysmal
  • Life: Tank
  • Speed: Slow


Saber Teicho Punch

  • Damage: 595
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 892

Saber spread Japanese tremor

  • Damage: 297 to each target
  • Upgrade: Attack upgraded 447 to each target


One of the greatest female sumotori champions. Shin Hakuho has given up all her beliefs when her son has been kidnapped. Abandoning her art to devote herself to pure violence, she destroys all the mutant she meets, because she holds them responsible for kidnapping of her only reason of living.


  • Her name could be based on a professional Mongolian sumo wrestler Hakuhō Shō.
  • Her bio and appearance as a sumo wrestler seemed ironic due to the fact that sumo wrestling is strongly believed as "men-only" sport.
  • Her first attack before it got an upgrade is reference to E.Honda's signature special attack, Hundred Hand Slap.
  • In her Gold Version, the yellow mask with smiley face and blood splatter she's wearing is a reference to Comedian's badge, one of the most iconic and recognizable images from Watchmen comics.
    • A smile-printed object can be found in her larva which is similar with her Gold Version's mask.


Cyber Cyber
Necro Necro
Saber Saber
Zoomorph Zoomorph
Galactic Galactic
Mythic Mythic